Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday to my sweet 10 year old Kimberlee!!

Our family was complete when Kimberlee came into this world.
I labored a very easy 2 hours before she made her debut on August 7th @ 5:25pm. Weighing in at 7lbs. 10 oz and 21 inches long.
Kimberlee is a sweet, tender hearted little girl. Her acts of service and love for everyone does not go un-noticed.
What a blessing it is to be her mom. She continues to grow into a beautiful young girl.
This world is a better place because of her. I am excited to see where life takes her, she is going to do amazing things in her lifetime....
Kimee, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for choosing me as your mom.
Happy Birthday cute girl!

Kimee's Mini cute!

 We messaged her bathroom mirror on her birthday....she loved it!

Then the big party, she invited a few friends over for a late night :))

Kaylee picked out Kimee's "Minion" birthday cake!

She even got cake shoved in her

Happy Birthday bring so much happiness to our family :)

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