Wednesday, August 14, 2013

4th of July in Idaho Falls, Idaho! Yeehaw!

My grandparents are buried at the Rose Hill Cemetery

We didn't make it up for Memorial Day, so we thought we'd stop by over the 4th of July.

The tree by my grandpas grave had been recently struck by lightning...scary!!

We drove by my grandpas old house. Lots of good memories there!

Kaylee found this crib in the hallway of our hotel (Holiday Inn Express)...too funny!

Kimee LOVES to do belly flops...who knew??

Idaho Falls was doing a 4th of July fair, so Kimee got her face painted Red, White and Blue!

We ran into my uncle!! I have not seen him in over 2 years!

My Cute cousin Kaitlyn is the current "Miss Idaho Falls"...

Isn't she beautiful! 
She is more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside...there are not many people I can say that about!

Smitty's!! Although, we like to call it 'Schmidty's' because Schmidt was my grandpas last name.
This is THE best pancake out around!

Jason came along with us on our mini vacation....the girls loved it!
"I love to see the temple......"

 Feels good to be 'US' again.....

We picked THE PERFECT spot to watch the fireworks over the falls.
The show was probably one of the best ones I have ever seen. They sync it to music...awesomeness!

Who needs one donut when you can have a whole bucket full!!

Kimee loves her cotton candy!

The beautiful sunset as we were waiting for the fireworks show

Yup, I remembered to bring glow sticks! We had so many extra, so we decided to hand them out to the missionaries..
.we saw at least a dozen of them by us during the fireworks show...

Not a good pic, but the fireworks show was delayed over an hour. I guess some 27 year old guy decided to swim out to the island on the falls where they were letting off fireworks. Yeah, he didn't make it and drowned, they were looking for his body...too sad and very preventable.

What's up with these stores in Idaho! ha!


This was the sign as we were headed out of Idaho and into Jackson Hole, Wyoming...
I laughed just reading this!

Next stop...Jackson Hole, Wyoming

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