Thursday, August 29, 2013

Shoot - Out!

So, there were two teams in the Adidas Cup who tied for Semi-finals
Our team and Utah FC....we were tied in every way possible, so we decided a shoot out instead of a coin toss.
With a coin toss, you leave it up to the refs. We decided a shoot out because it left it up to the girls....
All Kaylee had to do was block at least one of them...which she did...However, her team only made one in, so the other team advanced...
can't win them all....but it was fun to watch them get ready, so many different emotions with these girls.

Kaylee being watched and warmed up by her  coach, assistant coach, and dad.
No pressure or anything Kaylee!! ha!

Their 'Team Prayer' before they started the shoot-out...
and yes, they played even with the sprinklers running....

Kaylee's blocked shot.

Can't win them all Kaylee. You win as a team and loose as a team...
Just happy to see you have fun and develop your talents. It's not easy being a Keeper!

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