Thursday, August 8, 2013

Life with Hashimotos - Phase 1

A couple of weeks ago, I made a huge decision. I decided to go seek help from an Endocrinologist who specializes in Hashimotos.
My family practice doctor just prescribed thyroid medication and said to see him every six weeks for blood work. I knew this was not how I wanted to deal with my Auto - Immune disease. I later found out that there is nothing wrong with my thyroid, it's my Hashimotos attacking my thyroid. So, I needed to figure out how to manage my Hashimotos...

I decided to see a specialist, and that's when I discovered Red River Health and Wellness.

My new doctor : Dr. Paul Stadler

Dr. Stadler ran every single blood test possible. I found out a few interesting things.
1) Yup, definitly have Hashimotos, it's not a mild case either :(
2) Apparently, I have a 'Sluggish Liver' (my dad is currently dying of liver disease, so this got my attention)
3) I am Hypoglycemic - although, I knew this already
4) My glycerin levels elevate at night, which would explain why I get most of my energy at night and stay up way late.
He has an office in South Jordan. The plan I am on requires me to go in twice a week.
He is so good to work with, he offered to do 'Phone In" appointments...YEA!!! I just need to go in once every six weeks for follow ups.
One of the perks?? Apparently, I get 6 full massages....woot!
So far, this is a 6 month program for me, and then we'll see what's needed after that.

So, after what seemed like a thousand tests, he decided I needed to undergo a strict 21 day is what I received for that:

This is my 21 day de-tox "Kit" I have no idea what I am taking, but it's all Herbal ((love))

Not too mention, my insurance covers NOTHING except the lab work. This program will take 6 months and cost a total of $6000.
This is custom to ME and I know it's a safe way to do it :) You hear of so many de-tox ways, but what is a safe way for ME??
I left it up to the professionals to tell me instead of google :))

I have to mix two scoops of this ClearVite with Almond Milk -  all I can say is.....YUCK!
I have tried to make it taste good, but have ended up blending it with strawberries and bananas to mask the taste.
Needless to say, it's something I have to do 3 times a day and I down it as fast as I can while I plug my's nasty tasting stuff!!

I have to apply this Antioxident cream on my thyroid and two other places (wrist and behind my knee) 3 times a day...
I have no idea the purpose of this, but apparently its to help get through the bloodstream faster..

An Herbal taste...No problem! ((love))

Another Herbal taste...No problem! ((love)) third Herbal pill....again, no taste...these are all taken 3 times a day.

ALL the foods I can NOT eat...Ugg.......NO suger, No dairy, and No gluten.  What the heck!!  lol

All the food I CAN eat.....I have found that Quinoa is pretty good!
There are foods I would have never tried if it wasn't for this diet.
There are many foods that will remain a permanent change for me. I just didn't know what was the healthy way to 'fix me'.. but now I know!

A list of all my "Snacks"
I have nothing but fruit and veggies....and a chicken salad....not sure how I will survive 21 days with this strict diet. 
I am on day 4 today, and I already feel 50% better. Things are looking up, yet I'm not gonna lie, it's rough to say the least. I have migraines due to the sugar withdrawal...I crave silly things like bread and cheese.....
I have to think positive and look towards the end result and how much better I will feel.
I just want my energy back!
I should clarify with some backlash I have received...this is not a "DIET" for me to loose weight. For heavens sake, I only weigh 118 lbs. I would like to loose about 8 lbs to get me back to ME and MY NORMAL.I have weighed about 110 lbs. my entire life since high school. The only thing that changed was my diagnoses to Hashimotos. So, for those that judge me for my "DIET"....why don't you google Hashimotos before you pass judgement on me. Just because you are un-informed, does not give you the right to judge me and my "DIET".  This "DIET" is to help me feel better and manage my auto immune disease that there happens to be no cure for. Until you walk a day in my shoes, keep your comments to yourself!!! Ugg...some people!! Ok. Rant Over.
Day 9 of de-tox and I have lost 5 lbs. Which tells you how much 'crap' is in all that processed food.
Thank heavens for people like Dr.Stadler!! He went and received a degree in something that will change peoples lives!! ...and not just temporarily, he is a homeopathic doctor who believes in teaching his patients how to manage this for life..not just for the 6 month period of time for treatment. 

My cute neighbors Tyler and Tim came over with this 'Gift Basket" for me. Tyler recently had undergone gastric bypass surgery and lost about 200 pounds. So I met up with him to ask him how he worked through the food cravings and what advice he had for me.  He and Tim stopped by last night to see how my first few days were going...this was completely unexpected and yet so thoughtful! Especially from a GUY!
I seriously have the best neighbors in the world.

Even though there is no cure for my Hashimotos, I know I am on the right track knowing how to manage it and still have the quality of life I want :)

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