Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hashimoto's update - Weight loss complete...CHECK!

I have just started day 10 of my 21 day detox.
All I can say is WOOOHOOO!! I am feeling fantastic, my energy is coming back and not too mention I have lost the 8 lbs I wanted to.
My weight to date is now 110 lbs!! Woot! I am back to me!! ...and all in just 10 days. At this point, I am a bit nervous what the next 10 days will bring. I don't want to loose anymore weight, I like where I am now...

I had a follow up appointment with Dr.Stadler. He said he was 'proud of me' for keeping to my strict diet and not cheating :)
Yes, its hard to only eat fresh fruits and veggies, salad (with no dressing) and downing 90 oz of water a day.....
I thought I would crave all sorts of foods by now, but I'm not. So whatever herbal mix he has me taking is working to curve my cravings.

10 more days of detox and we'll see what foods I am allowed to continue and what foods I will never be able to have again..
This Hashimoto's is something else. But at the end of the day, I keep a smile on my face and am thankful for Dr's like Dr.Stadler who can help people like me :) Thank you Red River Health for giving me my life back!

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