Monday, November 18, 2013

This holds true in my life.
A little over a year ago, I found the courage to finally stand up to my parents and I have to say it felt amazing! I am finally free from all their emotional and verbal abuse. Its taken a while for me to realize just how bad things were now that I don't have to deal with any of it. Walking away was THE BEST thing I could have done for myself and my family. I have felt the most freeing feeling someone could feel. I don't miss them, I just don't. That might sound cold, but if you have been in my shoes, you would agree. I did what I thought was the best thing for me. and it was without a doubt the best thing I could have done. I am so much happier, I take people's opinions with a grain of salt because they were not there, they didn't see what was happening, they don't know what went on. I do not have to plead my side of things and no one will ever know my side because I did what "I" needed to do for me. I have no regrets at all.  They said some things that no child should ever hear from their parents, thing that stung, things that hurt to the core that you just don't get over.  I am looking forward to moving ON with my life and am loving every single bit of where I am. My kids are thriving and doing well and I am not missing a second of it.
With this being said, I do not have time to dwell on all the negativity that my family has. I have better things to do like watch my kids grow up with the time I have left, seeing how the doctors seem to think I have a life span of 15 years left with my Liver Fibrosis/Hashimotos. Who knows what medical things will come about in 15 years. There is only one man who knows when my time is up and its not the So, as you can see. I have bigger things to focus on and worry about in my life and my parents are not one of them.

Moving on....Check!
No Regrets...Check!

This will be the first and last time I post family drama.....I am a positive person, but just know I've been through more than I should and I have learned many lessons through all this. But, the time has come to put it all behind me and move forward. My heart cannot take it anymore, so I dug real deep to find the forgiveness to let them go from my life and my heart.....moving on is one step at a time....

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