Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Red Ribbon Week ' "Team Up Against Bullying"

This is one of my favorite weeks at work - Red Ribbon Week!
Each day has a different theme:
Monday was: Crazy Hair day
Tuesday: Wear Red
Wednesday - Crazy socks
Thursday - Boo to bullies (Halloween costume)
Friday - Team up against bullying and wear your favorite team shirt

Kimee wanted to borrow one of my shirts....awesome!!

 I noticed that a 3rd grade student Lars Simpson was sporting the best team in town.
I HAD to get a photo! I even gave him a few frooties for the road :)
Not sure what's up with his mustache...lol

My co-worker Nikki...she says that Austin Collie was rivals with Hines Ward...(Yeah right!) lol

What a fun week! Can't wait for Green Ribbon week. I'm trying to talk the PTA into having hat day!

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