Sunday, November 24, 2013

Now and Later....

Today's Sunday School lesson went better than I had hoped for!
I have some truly amazing kids who are more than willing to participate.

Today we talked about being financially self reliant

I explained to them that "The decisions you make NOW will affect you LATER"
Of course, I needed to put together a cute treat for that! lol

It's a simple handout, but to the point :)

Since it's also the week of Thanksgiving, I had them all come to the chalkboard and write things that they were thankful for. Everytime they wrote something, they would get a as you can see....I handed out alot of candy today!

I love all the different things they were thankful for. I took a photo of this so I can get it printed for each of them. Then on the back of their copy I am going to write a few things about them that I as a teacher am thankful for....I love these kiddos!!

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