Thursday, November 7, 2013

My home away from home...

I guess I should get used to this place, I will spend lots of time here...
The people are super the lab workers rock with drawing my blood. I have yet to bruise!

Here are the awesome tests that they ran....only 7 this time! Woohoo!
They are testing all my Hashimoto levels and seeing what my liver numbers look like. I have done so good on my new Gluten free, sugar free and dairy free diet...I am just praying that my blood work will show all that hard work! I feel great, but I want to see the hard facts to back it up. I need to know what I am doing is working. Crossing my fingers all comes back OK!

My new

I never make my kids come with me, but today they wanted to come watch....
we waited, and waited, and we got goofy with selfies....

We got alot of stares because we were kinda laughing alot....but we didn't

Today I chose Neon Green!
I am going to try and get a different color each time to see if I can make it through the whole rainbow! ha! I have to entertain myself somehow. This is my new reality, but that's OK! Just thankful to feel like myself again, even though my insides are being difficult, I will ALWAYS be positive!

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