Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween - My Style..

Kaylee and a couple of her soccer friends got together and custom made these T-shirts
These girls are "SHNDN's" Which stands for "Super Hot Ninja Dork Nerds"

Off they go! I dropped them off in Paige's neighborhood first. When they were done, they called me and I picked them up to trick or treat our neighborhood. Fun girls! Plus, Kaylee had a school friend that didn't have anyone to go with, so she came along with them :)

Kimee and her friends didn't last very long before the were done.
I had homemade chicken noodle soup waiting for them...
then they decorated cookies and watched some halloween movies...

Once Kaylee and her friends were done, they too ate some warm girls!

Can I just tell you how much I enjoy that my house is the 'gathering house'. I even had a girl that is now in the 8th grade stop by my house. She was one of the students that attended Sierra Bonita Elementary. She stopped by to trick or treat but then said she was upset that some older boys were tagging along with her and her friends. I fed these girls too and ended up taking them home so the boys could no longer bug them.
I love it! I love that these kids know they are safe with me and can ask me for help ((love))

It was a successful Halloween! Lots of work for me, but SO worth it :) I work better when I'm busy ;)

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