Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Break Party

Aside from being a school secretary, I tutor 6 - 6th Grade Students in Reading.
They met the goal I set for them, so we had a Fall Break Party!

I brought cookies to decorate and lots and lots of candy...

These are the two girls in my group Janey and Lexi

John and you can see, Logan didn't want his picture taken...
Yes, I bought BYU plates, I thought they would get a kick out of them and they did!

Me and Corbyn. This cute boy Corbyn also has a Gluten sensitivity, so I made us both some 
Gluten-Free cookies so we both could eat treats at the party :)

Gordon and John...these boys are hilarious

They had the choice to play any game they wanted too, they chose hangman!

 and of course, I had a Halloween treat for each of them to take home :) It's just what I do :)

These kids are so much fun!
I have to brag for second about them. Last week, there were alot of Skills issues in the office, so I was unable to conduct our reading group and told them to head back to class.  Instead of doing that, they stayed in the room and read 2 chapters! Are you kidding me! I admit, we are reading a pretty cool book called "The Million Dollar Shot' and we are all anticipating the ending. I am so proud of them for choosing to read without me!
I did reward them by giving them all full size candy bars and praise notes. Gosh, my job is so rewarding!

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