Monday, February 25, 2013

Training Day w/ Erica Owens - Post Tournament..

We met with Erica Owens tonight for another training.
Kaylee is starting to finally be herself around her. I think she is still star struck towards Erica. 
Kaylee had her fellow soccer mate Gracie Sorensen there, who was being trained by Kyleigh Royall who plays Midfielder for BYU Women's Soccer.
 Kaylee Manwaring - Goalkeeper - HCStorm, Erica Owens - Goalkeeper - BYU, 
Kyleigh Royall - Midfielder - BYU, Gracie Sorensen - Midfielder - HCStorm
Crossing my fingers that one day Kaylee can have BYU after her name :))))

I asked them for a goofy pose....this is what I got. Such fun role models for our daughters :)

I think if Kaylee had her way, we would print all the pictures of her and Erica and they would be like wallpaper to her bedroom. Erica has made such a positive impact on Kaylee. As a parent, how do you ever thank someone for doing this? Priceless.

The 'World Cup' pose. AKA...'The Serious Face Shot'.
Although, Kaylee looks like she's crackin a smile

Gracie was surprisingly quiet tonight. This kiddo is the life of the party when the team get's together.
Although, I know she was pretty star struck as well. I know these BYU players do not have a ton of free time. So for them to take the time to come train our girls, PLUS drive out to Spanish Fork....really means the world to us. We are so excited for the one on one training, and would not trade this experience for anything!
Thank You Erica and Kyleigh! We love your guts!

Training in action..

Hmmm...White chicks CAN jump! lol

Such a fun night!!! See you next week!

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