Monday, February 25, 2013

Life with 'Hashimotos'

Well, about 5 or so months ago I was diagnosed with 'Hashimotos Thyroditis'. Sounds like a huge complicated thing. I went in every 2 weeks for blood work, then it became every 6 weeks, and now I am happy to report...I have it under control and go in every 6 months!!  As long as it's under normal range, I can give blood and am not under any restrictions. I make it a point to tell the Red Cross I have this when I go in to donate. I don't want to waste their time or mine if they can't use my blood.

This pic was at Timpanogos Regional Medical Center....
one of many, many visits there. 

My doc gave me the BEST advice. He said: "You can allow this to be 90% medication and 10% attitude....OR 90% attitude and 10% medication.....

You guessed it...I chose 90% attitude. :) :)  Heaven knows I have gone through some pretty rough times medically that I have had to face head on.....this was no different. Bring it on!  Even though I have to take medication the rest of my life, it's OK. 

I am 6 months into this and feeling fantastic!!

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