Saturday, February 9, 2013

As the Assistant Secretay of Sierra Bonita Elementary, I have a fun opportunity to have "Reading Groups" I used to be a reading tutor before I got this job, so they are utilizing my skills to the fullest. I have to tell ya, it's been so rewarding for me to see their progress!! Soooo, since they worked so dang hard on their reading challenges that I set forth for them, we celebrated and I gave them a "Good Job for Reading Root Beer Float Party". I love these kiddos! I am so blessed to have them in my groups

All my cute little 3rd graders...My groups were only 6-7 kids....I thought it would be fun to invite the students that have 'graduated my group' to come as well :)))

I read with Thomas Silver in Mrs. Wilkinsons Transistion First Grade class.
I am just smitten with this boy. He comes in with a smile every day ready to work, he has the funniest stories, and he said he always let me win at tick tack toe :) Wish I could clone this cute boy!

I am thankful to have this as one of my jobs....If I can even call it that. I love Sierra bonita and love who I work with, but most of all....THE KIDS!! This is all about the kids.....and I love every second of every day :)

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