Monday, February 25, 2013

Giving Blood

I received an urgent call from The American Red Cross needing me to give blood. I have O+ blood I receive calls often, but not like this one. This call was the real deal....someone out there needed my blood, and all I had to do was give an hour of my time. I went in with no hesitation...

 I asked one of the workers to take my pic. My girls were not sure what 'giving blood' meant...
I encourage anyone and everyone to never know when your blood will be used to save a life..

 The needle....sorry...had to post this. I thought it was interesting that he needed to outline my blood vessel...I don't like watching the needle go in, but once its there...not a big, he said I was a 'Bleeder'...I had that pint filled within 10 minutes..the two guys sitting next to me were there when I got there, and still there when I left.... :)

Once I was done, the technician said 'Here, you get red tape and I will cross it for "The American Red Cross"....too funny...

BUT!!!!!!!  I received a phone call the next day telling me my blood was used on a NICU baby and they scheduled me for my next donation.  I have no idea how that baby is doing...but thankful my blood was good enough to use :)

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