Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Championship Game!!

Championship game

 Championship Game jitters....poor Kaylee was so sick to her stomach :(

 You know this game is a big deal when 
you have the head trainer of the club (Jeff Lewis) warm up your daughter

Kaylee's first time being Team Captain

Ready or not, the game has just started...AHHHHH!!
As Kaylee's mom, I am a nervous wreck, filled with a million emotions, trying to take pictures and cheer her on from the sidelines....all the while not sitting down and trying not to pace the

Kaylee telling her defenders to mark up..

I heard the other teams yell out several times...
 'Watch out for the big kicks"... & "Move back it's going far"...
That was music to my ears :))))) Good Job Kaylee!!!!! Yeehaw! (proud mom moment!)

They tied 3-3, so it went into OT, then double OT, and then the infamous SHOOT OUT....

To make a long story short, Kaylee missed a couple and her teammates didn't get a couple, we lost :(

They WON 2nd PLACE!!!!!!!

Kaylee immediately lost it after the game saying 'I lost it for the team'. She was so upset and crying. The head trainer, Jeff Lewis, pulled her aside and told her 'You know what the hardest position in soccer is? She says "Goalie?" he says "A Goalie in a Shoot Out".
Jeff Lewis told her to keep her head high...there is no shame in second place.

Needless to say, it was an emotional ride home and she eventually got over it, learned from it and now she is back to her old self :)

Here is the link to one of her awesome PK Blocks:

PK shot - Click Here

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