Friday, June 28, 2013


I am a little late posting this, but better late than never!
A few weeks ago I enjoyed going back to my hometown of Orem...for their Orem Days...

 Kimee wanted to get her face painted...her first time ever!

 She chose a Butterfly...the artist matched it to her clothes....amazing!! And it only took her less than 5 minutes...if that!
Isn't she just beautiful???!!!

 Gotta love quick - set up city carnivals...Kimee loved this fun slide

I ran into a bunch of "oremites' along the good friend Danny England posted this to his facebook account....I don't wish to re-live my high school days, but there are a handful of people I miss dearly...Danny was one of those people...

 We had an awesome spot to watch fireworks, but by the time we left the carnival...our grass spot was taken, so I just opened up the sun roof and it worked great. The girls were just giggling because it was something different...they had a blast :)

Can't wait for more fireworks on the 4th of July. 
We'll be out of town, so we'll see what another state has to offer with the fireworks show, we hear its supposed to me amazing...
 guess we'll wait and see!

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