Sunday, June 9, 2013

Boy OH Boy!

Kaylee made Chocolate Chip cookies all by herself today, 
and wanted to put a plate together for a neighbor boy. 
What the what!!!???

Oh. My. Goodness!!!
Here was our conversation:
Kaylee: "Mom, can you take me to Cole's house?
Mom: 'What for?"
Kaylee: "Because I posted a picture of these cookies on Instagram and Cole said he wanted some"
Mom: "Ok, but put them on a plate, etc"

You can imagine the look on Cole's face when Kaylee rang the doorbell!!
He said in a loud voice " NO WAY, you actually brought me cookies!!"

It's a good thing I love Cole and his family, or I wouldn't have been so supportive at the ripe age of 11. 
 He is an 'older' boy too! (1 year older than Kaylee)
I will ignore the fact that she left a mess in my kitchen, left the stove on and didn't clean up a dang thing.....because the smile on her face when she gave it to him was PRICELESS!!

Let's just hope she's this open with me come 16 years old. But I don't think I will hold my breathe!

Good job Kaylee! You made his day and the cookies were awesome!!
I should have a rule that you can't grow up!!!

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