Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do you know what this means???

Yup, you guessed it! Hiking season is HERE!!!

This year, I am doing things a little different. I purchased a hydration pack for each of my girls.
I learned a lot last year, and even in current news reports with hikers getting lost, hurt, etc.
I decided my girls needed their own packs 'just in case'. So far, we have finished our hikes with plenty of water/food to spare...but you never know. I would much rather be more prepared than not.
I had a huge scare last year getting lost in Payson Canyon on a hike I took by myself. Once I realized I was lost and the sun had set, I panicked and got disoriented. I took the hike early afternoon and was not prepared when the sun went down. Through prayer, I found my way back off the mountain and back to my car by 10:30pm. Once I was in cell service range, all the text messages and phone calls came flooding in. 
Boy was I glad to be HOME safe and sound!!
Moral of the story...I was NOT prepared enough and vowed that would never happen again!
Therefore, I think I'm off to a great start so far!

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