Friday, June 14, 2013

BYU Soccer Camp - Keeper Style

Kaylee just finished her BYU Soccer Camp.
I signed her up for the Week 1 - Goal Keeper Camp with Erica Owens
Kaylee improved on her current skills and picked up a few new ones...
I can't wait to see her in the next game :)

Kaylee was fortunate enough to get some one on one with BYUs Assistant Coach Aleisha Rose

More one on fun!

Kaylee got super excited when she saw Kat arrive to the camp - She is also a Keeper for BYU
She was Kaylee's trainer last year for the BYU Camp..she is such a fun girl!

Paige, Kaylee, Kat and Gracie

Kaylee during a scrimmage game on the last day of camp..

Kaylee had really great goal kicks....these BYU fields are much larger than she is used to playing on!

Kaylee blocked Gracie's PK Kick! Way to go kiddo!

Yea!! We LOVE our Erica Owens!

As we were leaving camp, Kaylee told me to stop the car because she saw Erica Owens getting ready to leave. Erica has a fun opportunity to go to Peru for a month, so our trainings will be on hold until then.
I thought this was a cute pic :)) Have fun Erica!

Kaylee met BYUs Head Coach Jennifer Rockwood

What a fun opportunity for Kaylee!
See you next year BYU. Thanks for putting on such a great camp!

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