Thursday, March 14, 2013

Poor Kimee :(

Poor Kimee is not feeling very well....
Can you guess her sickness by this photo?

Yup....yucky sore throat....NO FUN!
I took her to the doctor today and she tested negative for strep..yea!
Our Primary doctor is in Alpine, but we found a secondary doctors office here in Spanish Fork...and they are open til 8pm!! You have no idea how convenient this is for us working mommas :)

Gotta love sisters! Kaylee is a great big sister and gave Kimee a back scratch until she fell asleep...
I will remind my girls of these moments when they get older and fight more often ;)

So, what else is a mom to do at 1am?? on this blog...Thank goodness for sleeping pills...this momma is going to bed! Good Night y'all! It's been a long busy week and will enjoy my day off of work tomorrow! Yea for 3 day weekends!

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