Monday, March 25, 2013

Kaylee Has Braces!!

Kaylee just got her braces today!
It took about an hour and a half...but she did great!

I can't believe I have a kid old enough to be in braces...where the heck does the time go??

Here is her BEFORE pic....

Here is her AFTER pic....

They were cleaning her teeth and noticed it was BLUE!
I had to take a pic of it for Kaylee to see later on....I told her she had BYU teeth!!

Her awesome Orthodontist Chris Trapnell, D.D.S., M.S. and his fun assistant...
They were SO personable and made Kaylee feel right at home...
This month Kaylee chose Neon Pink and Neon Green for her band colors...
she says they are 'Eastery'...
They say she will only need them for 18 months...I guess we'll wait and see..
Kaylee's funny quote of the day: 
Kaylee: "Mom, why do my brackets and wire look crooked?"
Mom: "Um...because your teeth are crooked"
Kaylee: "Oh, Duh!"

Love that girl...

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