Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kaylee Meets the BYU Women's Soccer Team!

Kaylee, Paige and Gracie had a fun opportunity to meet the BYU Women's Soccer Team!
They were even able to run a few drills with them! How fun!

WOW! The Assistant Soccer Coach, Aleisha Rose!!
She told us to get Kaylee's resume to them by age 14...Yea!
Fun fact about Aleisha....she had a chance to go to a professional team, but turned it down because they play on she accepted the Assistant Coach position for BYU...Good for you Aleisha!

Of Course.....COSMO!!

We love our ERICA OWENS!!!! (BYU Goal Keeper)
She's the one training Kaylee right now!!

We also love Kyleigh Royall (BYU Midfielder)
She is training Gracie right now (far right)

 CARLEE PAYNE HOLMOE (BYU Forward)...she's a fun player to watch!

 McKinzie Olson (WAS a Goal Keeper, now Coaches for BYU)

 Taylor Campbell (Defender) - Tore her ACL...OUCH! 
Out for Spring, playing in the fall of 2013

 Ashley Bazzarone (BYU Defender)

 We love KAT SNYDER (BYU Goal Keeper). 
She is the one who trained Kaylee last year at the BYU Soccer Camp :)

 Hilary Smith (BYU Goal Keeper)

 Paige Hunt (BYU Midfielder, Forward) ,Sarah Chambers (BYU Midfielder/Forward)

 Amber Wadsworth (BYU Forward)

Jaiden Thornock (BYU Forward)

What a fun night for these girls. Looking forward to watching them play the 2013 Season!

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