Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kimberlee's School Choir Concert

Kimee joined the school choir!
This surprised me, especially when I heard it will be held an hour BEFORE school.
Kimee joined and went every morning....this meant that MOM needed to wake up early too. 
(and we all know how much this mom loves her sleep!)
Can I say WE did it!

I am so proud of Kimberlee for going every day and participating...
what a treat it was tonight to be able to watch her sing her little hear out.
They all sounded wonderful!

We had over 50 kids from Sierra Bonita Elementary join in the school choir! Awesomeness!
(Kimberlee is front row..5th from the left in the ruffle shirt)

 Grandpa and Grandma Manwaring came to watch Kimee too!
They are THE best grand kid supporters! Thanks for coming!

Kimee said to me as I was getting her ready: "Mom, is dad going to come?"
I said, "Yes, he said he would be there, so he will be there"
She smiled big once she saw him in the audience. She is quite the daddy's girl.

I love my Kimee more than life itself. 
I am so proud of her and the amazing job she did tonight,
and for all the great things she is doing in her life.
I love that she is a good friend, a giver and will always tell you she loves you.
This kid has a heart of gold!!
She is such a Christlike example to the lucky am I that she chose me as her momma !? :)
I love you Kimee...!!
(p.s. she was excited when she realized we wore matching shirts!)

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