Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Eve Fun!

Christmas Eve came pretty quick, but we slowed down a bit and had lots of fun!

We started out the night with new PJs from Justice!

Then it was time to make Hot Chocolate and watch 'The Polar Express'

Jason and I also went to visit Grandpa Mott who was in ICU at the American Fork hospital
We visited knowing it would be the last time we would see him alive.
We are so thankful we had the time to tell him we loved him.
There is a party in heaven right now. Til we meet again Grandpa!
Thanks for supporting us and showing us unconditional love. We will miss you!

After watching "The Polar Express" Jason thought it would be fun for the girls to open up his present he got for them.
Who knew they would be so excited about remote controlled Helicopters!

They are pretty have to charge them for an hour and you get 10 minutes of fly

Kaylee insisted that we make Reindeer food...she did great!

Here they are at 11:30pm throwing the reindeer food on the grass!
Love these girls! I love their Christmas excitement!

I found this cute new plate for Santa...
with all that was going on, I didn't take a photo of our cookies and milk, but I can tell you
that Santa ate all of it :) The girls even left a couple candy canes for our Elf 'Sparkle'.
They  knew Sparkle would be going back home with Santa for the year.

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!

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