Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Day!!!

The girls went to bed around midnight and were up around 7am...not too bad!!

Christmas 2013

I love to see their excitement!

All in all, it took them 45 minutes to open

Surprisingly Kaylee still likes Barbie stuff...probably because of her little sister and she has no choice! lol
She received Barbie SOCCER clothes...awesome!

I was so excited to get them this Lego set.
This 'Beach House' Lego set is not set to be released until January 1st.
We went to the Lego store in SLC and were able to order it and it came!
Gotta love being a Lego VIP member! lol

Kaylee was super excited to get the Lego Friends Cruise ship...

"Despicable Me 2"

..and a 2 story Barbie Dream House equipped with an elevator
Not sure why they wanted this so bad, they already have two Barbie houses, this would make three.
I guess Barbie is a good investment, they never go out of grandkids will have a ball!

Merry Christmas!

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