Saturday, December 28, 2013

Teacher Appreciation

Seeing how Jason is the Sunday School President in our ward, 
I mentioned that he ought to do something for the teachers at the end of the year..
Oh, and it has nothing to do with me being one of the

This is what I came up with...

It turned out great!

He has 7 teachers...this was fun to put together..

Here is the candy I used

....and here are the tags I printed out...

Yea! Happy Sunday School Teacher Appreciation :))
Call me weird, but I just love doing stuff like this :)


I haven't been sick for the longest time..
I have a high tolerance to sickness and woke up two mornings in a row feeling 'off' with watery eyes
With Christmas break being here, I thought I should at least go in and see what was going on
I figured the doctor would just tell me I was fine and to eat chicken noodle soup...
boy was I wrong!
I have a sinus infection AND Pink eye!
Who the heck gets pink eye??? Uggggg...not fun at all..
I am relaxing as often as I can..feeling pretty good overall..but pink eye??? good grief!

Kaylee caught me sleeping and took a pic...thanks Kaylee, it's nice to know I relax once in a while,
even though it takes me getting sick to do so :)

It's a Christmas Miracle! lol

You got it right folks, It's a Christmas Miracle..
Kaylee actually ASKED ME if I could french braid her hair...
I thought she was joking at first, but she was serious!
WOW!! She never lets me touch her hair...I wonder who the lucky boy is? :) lol

Friday, December 27, 2013

Gingerbread House

The girls did a great job making the gingerbread house!

I love the swirls that they added...nice touch!

Christmas Day fun....

The girls wanted to go over to the school gym to fly their new helicopters..
It was pretty fun! They had all the space they wanted to see what these things can do!

Jason should have bought one for
He took over Kimee's and had a ball

Kimee didn't care that Jason had her helicopter
She was too busy doing back

once the helicopter ran out of battery, we went to the PE closet and got out the big soccer ball

Kaylee won...ha!

Once that was done, we got out the basketballs...
I tried to tell my girls I was really good at I had to show them.
I played point guard because I was so short, but was good getting it down the court..
Not too bad for being in high heels! lol

Kaylee's a pretty good shot too. she was quick to remind us that she is a soccer player not a basketball player

Jasons passion is basketball...he still has skills!

He showed the girls he could dunk Kaylee tried it too

Kaylee can dunk it too...she definitely has Jason's gene pool

What a fun day with the family!

Christmas Day Dinner

This year, we had Jason's parents and my aunt, uncle and cousin over for Christmas dinner.
I love to throw parties and entertain, so I felt like a kid at WAS Christmas!! woohoo!

The 'Kid table' :)

Grandma and Grandpa Manwaring

Cousin Rob gave them Lego Friends...awesome!

Uncle Dell, Kimee, Aunt Margie, Kaylee and cousin Rob

My fav!! (l((ove)))

I love that we got to spend time with family on Christmas!!
Thanks for coming over!

Christmas Day!!!

The girls went to bed around midnight and were up around 7am...not too bad!!

Christmas 2013

I love to see their excitement!

All in all, it took them 45 minutes to open

Surprisingly Kaylee still likes Barbie stuff...probably because of her little sister and she has no choice! lol
She received Barbie SOCCER clothes...awesome!

I was so excited to get them this Lego set.
This 'Beach House' Lego set is not set to be released until January 1st.
We went to the Lego store in SLC and were able to order it and it came!
Gotta love being a Lego VIP member! lol

Kaylee was super excited to get the Lego Friends Cruise ship...

"Despicable Me 2"

..and a 2 story Barbie Dream House equipped with an elevator
Not sure why they wanted this so bad, they already have two Barbie houses, this would make three.
I guess Barbie is a good investment, they never go out of grandkids will have a ball!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Fun!

Christmas Eve came pretty quick, but we slowed down a bit and had lots of fun!

We started out the night with new PJs from Justice!

Then it was time to make Hot Chocolate and watch 'The Polar Express'

Jason and I also went to visit Grandpa Mott who was in ICU at the American Fork hospital
We visited knowing it would be the last time we would see him alive.
We are so thankful we had the time to tell him we loved him.
There is a party in heaven right now. Til we meet again Grandpa!
Thanks for supporting us and showing us unconditional love. We will miss you!

After watching "The Polar Express" Jason thought it would be fun for the girls to open up his present he got for them.
Who knew they would be so excited about remote controlled Helicopters!

They are pretty have to charge them for an hour and you get 10 minutes of fly

Kaylee insisted that we make Reindeer food...she did great!

Here they are at 11:30pm throwing the reindeer food on the grass!
Love these girls! I love their Christmas excitement!

I found this cute new plate for Santa...
with all that was going on, I didn't take a photo of our cookies and milk, but I can tell you
that Santa ate all of it :) The girls even left a couple candy canes for our Elf 'Sparkle'.
They  knew Sparkle would be going back home with Santa for the year.

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Uh-Oh - Looks like "Sparkle" is sick...

This is how we found her. Hopefully she feels better soon.
She has to head back with Santa tomorrow night!
BUT...Kimee woke up and saw her and said " Mom, she's not really sick. I bet she is just home sick"
hahahahaha I LOVE IT....I wish I would have thought of that!

Christmas Friend Treat

Kaylee has a couple extra special friends who are her soccer buddies as well..
We put this treat together for them.
The treat has 2 nerds and a pop rock...
"You ROCK, thanks for being my SHNDN"
Which means: " You ROCK thanks for being my Super Hot Ninja Dork Nerd"
Too funny. I love Kaylee's friends and that they can act themselves around each other :)

Gingerbread House - 2013

We finally put our gingerbread house together...
I think they did a great job!

Kaylee wanted a pic of us...she loves, loves, loves that she is taller than me!

lol. I told Kimee I was going to stay there until I got to kiss her!

So she let me kiss her nose! Love you Kimee!

Such a fun night with my girls. How did I get so lucky to be their mom!?