Friday, May 31, 2013

Saying Goodbye to some good friends

Well, last week, Kaylee finished up the State Cup Soccer Tournament with her team. We don't know what's in store for Kaylee next season or where she will play. It's hard saying goodbye to what we knew as our second family. Although, there are a few girls that are like family, so we will keep in touch with them.
Thanks for a great 3 year run girls! We love you!

Top from Left to Right: Savannah Loreen, Bre Eves, Madi Henderson, Brinley Smith, 
Paige Easter, Kaylee Manwaring
Bottom from Left to Right: Kylee Howell, Ahna Hullinger, Brielle Anderson, Gracie Sorensen

Go HC Storm! We will sure miss you guys! Good luck with whatever comes your way next season, we are so excited to see which teams you will all join! :)

I will sure miss the moms too!! Thanks Mary, for all our car pooling/ side line fun :))

 BFFs for LIFE!
Kaylee and Paige "Keeper" & "Sweeper"

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