Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kaylee's Hershey Track Meet

Kaylee ran the 100M and 200M
She made the finals in the 100M...Yea!

First place in Semi-Finals!!!
Good Job Kaylee!!!

There were 5 HCStorm girls from the same team who ran in the FINALS!! Who knew??
So awesome!!! Way to go girls!! Good job Kaylee!!

Kaylee and her little group of friends...amazing what kids will do in front of a camera!
It was such a fun day, and I was so happy to be a part of it :)

Kaylee found a few of her HCStorm friends. The 5th grade Hershey track had kids from Sierra Bonita, Hobble Creek and yea!! She got to hang out with some soccer friends!

I'm still trying to talk Kaylee into running the 800M like her mom did in High School...but apparently, I still have some work to do! lol

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