Friday, May 31, 2013

Last Day of School!

I can't believe another year of school is over!
 I now have a 6th grader and 5th grader!! Am I really THIS old???

My girls wanted to give their teachers a treat, so this is what they decided :)

Kaylee received this award in her class. Can't say I am surprised, she is always doing something to help others. She is a great example of service. Good job Kaylee!

Kaylee's 5th grade report card.
Good job Kaylee!

How lucky am I??? This is what was left on my desk on the last day of school.
I sure do feel the love!

One of my letters.....

..and another...

...and another...

...and another.

I just love my job(s)!! I love that hard work pays off in more ways than one. 
I will enjoy my summer break, but will enjoy seeing some of these kids around the neighborhood.
I have already seen many, many, many of them out and about...sure do love these kiddos :)

See you next school year!

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