Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of School DVD!

Pinch me!!! I cannot believe that tomorrow will be the last day of school/work for me and the girls.
I am looking forward to a nice / relaxing summer!

I was asked to make a year end DVD to be shown at our school assembly tomorrow.
I am in charge of taking all the photos throughout the school year, and then I have to narrow them down to 300 at the end of each year.  I had a lot of fun making this. I have reflected on what was one the THE BEST school years to date. I got teary-eyed watching the movie back. I will miss my 6th graders who would always pop in my office to say hi and lend a hand. 
There were some pretty special ones that I will miss dearly. (Sigh....) It's also hard to believe that my own daughter Kaylee will start her 6th grade adventure next year!

How lucky am I to be a party of this great school and help these kids.
Every kid needs a smile and high five right? I have plenty to give :)

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