Monday, December 23, 2013

Manwaring Family Christmas 'Get-together' in Heber

Jason's sister lives in Heber and wanted us all up for dinner and a gift exchange.

We played a game where you roll some dice. If you roll a 1 or a 6 you get to pick a present from the pile.
After everyone had a gift we played lightning round for 2 minutes. If you rolled a 1 or 6 you could steal another persons gift.

The war was on between Tiffany and Janae...Tiffany had a mug that she didn't want, and Janae had a cute scarf that Tiff wanted.
So, it was game on! Everyone started laughing. Every single roll I got a 1 or 6 and so did Janae!! It came down to the last second and I rolled.but didn't roll a 1 or 6 so Janae won the  Good times, good times,

Me and Jason won mugs...

Aaron won a light and Janae stole my scarf that I was supposed to win!! lol

Kevin and Kristi was a vase of bows and a Christmas sign..yeehaw

Grandpa won our $10 gift card to little ceasars
Grandma won a box of chocolates!

Becky won our other $10 gift card to Little Ceasars
Troy won cookies..

And...the rest of the night looked something like this:....................

Hooray!!!! It was a great party and now it's time to drive home...
Thanks for being a great host Becky! Merry Christmas!

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