Sunday, December 22, 2013

Kimberlee's Christmas Dance Showcase!

What a treat to watch Kimberlee perform two routines at the Christmas Dance Showcase.
Kimberlee is on the Jr.Performing Team and has gotten really good!
Kimee is Center (7th from the left)

Kimee is in the middle

Kimee is back-center

This is their second routine...I love kick lines!!
Kimee is front line second from the right

Kimee is second from the right on the front line

 Kimee is standing. She is the third from the right..

Kaylee ran into her amazing friend Makiah!! I caught this quick photo of them hugging...ahhh.
..I love all the fun friends my kids have.

 Kaylee and Makiah
They are so excited to be going to the same Jr.High next year!

 Grandma and Grandpa Manwaring

 Aunt Margie and Uncle Dell

 My cute little family..

 Kimee and Julie - They are on the same performing team...

 Kimee gave flowers to her cute dance teacher too!

Kimee and Ellie
They were on the same performing team last year.

It was such a fun event to go to. Good job Kimee! We love you!

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