Sunday, December 22, 2013

Grandpa Mott - Manwaring side

This might be the last Christmas for Jason's Grandpa.
So, the family got together for one last Christmas get-together
Jason's mom has 9 brothers and sisters...unfortunately, she wasn't able to come so she is not pictured

Mott Family - 2013
Jason's mom's dad, step-mom and siblings

Croft family

Larsen family-
Diane's husband (front left) is not here either...he is fighting lung cancer.

Clapie Family

Kiouglious Family

Barry Mott and family

Johnson family - (Jason's sister)

Lynde and Randy Mott

Jason and his UNCLE Randy..
Randy is the youngest of 9 kids. Randy's oldest sister is Jason's mom Chris..
So, this makes it nephew and uncle and they are only a couple years apart in age..
everyone keeps saying how much they look alike! What do you think?

Mott Family

What a fun get-together...we were all able to spend time together..Grandpa Mott is so frail..
.not sure how much time he has left here on earth.
We sure do love you Grandpa Mott!

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