Monday, March 11, 2013

MMHS Dance Company Night

Kimee's Performing Team was invited to dance at the Maple Mountain High School Dance Night.
They performed their 'Pirates' routine.

 Kimee is far left.. Getting ready to start!

 Kimee is third from the left..

 Kimee is second from the right..

 Getting ready for the kick line. Kimee is 4th from the left. This is quite interesting.....At the first of the year Kimee was always on one of the ends with the kick line....I figured it was because they were going from tallest to shortest, and she is one of the shortest ones. I thought nothing of it...until tonight.
She performed her same routine, but she was DEAD CENTER.  What in the world?! She nailed the dance and afterwards, I asked her instructor why she was moved. She just said 'I put my best front and center" wow oh wow.....I am such a proud momma. Kimee has worked so hard, especially on her flexibility with splits for the kick line....Good Job Kiddo! You made your momma extra proud tonight! I say 'extra' proud, because I am always proud of her...but tonight I was 'extra' proud :) I love you Kimee!

 More of the kick line..Kimee is 4th from the left....

 Good job with your kick line Kimee!!! Woohoo!

Kimberlee just loves to dance. She loves being on the performing team as well :)

Next week we will be headed down for her first out of town competition. 
Wish her good luck!

Oh and can someone just pinch me??? How did I get so lucky? I have one daughter on a performing dance team and another daughter on an accelerated soccer team...What an awesome thing to be a part of!!!
 Seeing your kids find their talent and excel at it...WOW is about all that comes to mind right now :)
I sure do love this mom business....

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