Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

 I left a fun surprise on the kitchen table for the girls. So, when they woke up, they would see this on the kitchen table :) I love, love, love holidays and doing this for my kids :)

Kaylee helped me make 'Breakfast for Dinner' and we colored everything green....
(except the Bacon of course)

Such a fun day with my kids. PLUS...I was able to sub as a Primary Chorister Today..woohoo!!!
I had a leprechaun hat filled with gold (hersheys with almonds)...I had the kids hide the pot of gold and someone else had to find it...oh man, it was so much fun! I love being in the presidency, but really, really miss being chorister :( Maybe one day, I will get another opportunity :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Hope it was as fun as ours :)

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