Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kimberlee's School Play - "Cinderella"

Kimee was in the school play for the second year in a row!
She played the part of a Town/Villager, she was going around selling flowers....

Kimee and her BFF have the same parts!

SO cute!

Back stage fun! Kimee is front and center..surprise, surprise :)

Kimberlee standing behind 'Prince Charming"

Kimee dancing at the "Royall Ball"

cute girl! Kimee is in all white

Taking her bow at the end of the show...
although, she seems to be looking for her dad in the audience...she did find him :)

Thanks for coming Grandma & Grandpa Manwaring!

I even snuck backstage to take a pic of my cutie pie :)

Oh Yea, I gave her good luck kisses too! (since this was before the show).

Kimee, you did such a great job! I am so proud of you!

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