Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Fun!

What a fun Easter day it was!
We decorated Easter eggs and had dinner at my sis-in-laws. 
They built a new house and just moved in up in Heber. So, we had to go visit!

 We colored EGGS!

Kimee Tie-Dyed her was pretty cool!

Happy Easter 2013 - Love my girls!

(insert music) "We're sexy and we know it!" lol

Cousin Easter Egg hunt @ Aunt Becky's!

Kimee found hers!

Finding eggs with cousins is so much fun!

Even the big kids are having fun!

These two cousins were born 6 months apart. They call themselves the '2003 Babies'

Yea! Jadyn found some too!

Good Job Jadyn!!

Thanks Becky! We all had a great time!
Thanks for the invite! :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kimberlee's School Play - "Cinderella"

Kimee was in the school play for the second year in a row!
She played the part of a Town/Villager, she was going around selling flowers....

Kimee and her BFF have the same parts!

SO cute!

Back stage fun! Kimee is front and center..surprise, surprise :)

Kimberlee standing behind 'Prince Charming"

Kimee dancing at the "Royall Ball"

cute girl! Kimee is in all white

Taking her bow at the end of the show...
although, she seems to be looking for her dad in the audience...she did find him :)

Thanks for coming Grandma & Grandpa Manwaring!

I even snuck backstage to take a pic of my cutie pie :)

Oh Yea, I gave her good luck kisses too! (since this was before the show).

Kimee, you did such a great job! I am so proud of you!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Releve Dance Competition - St. George, UT - 2013

This was our first time traveling out of town for Kimberlee's Dance Competition.
This is her first year on a performing team!

They won 1st place for 'Dance with my father'

They won 2nd place for 'Pirates'

They won the overall high point award!


 Kimee is center (mouth going 'ah') She was told to do lots of facial expressions...

 Kimberlee was able to do a hand free cartwheel during her Pirates was fun to watch!

 Kimee is center (5th one from the left)

 They did a cool wave was fun!


 Kimee's friend Ellie was the one being lifted

Good Job Kimee!

St.George Swim Fun

Kimee had a Dance Competition in St.George. 
We had a lot of down time. 
Kaylee brought her soccer friend Paige to keep her company. 
All the girls wanted to do was swim, swim, swim!!

 Kaylee & Paige
(Thanks for letting her come Mary!)

 Keeper and Sweeper
Love these girls!

 Ellie and Kimee (both on the same dance performing team!)

 Front flip into the pool!

 Wowza!!! Kaylee (right) has some MAD MUSCLES!!!  That's my Goal Keeper for ya!
It makes sense they are so defined, she can now THROW the ball to mid-field. Awesome!

 Giddy-Up Paige! Too funny!

 Chicken Fight!

 Even these rough soccer girls still paint toe nails :)

 I asked Kaylee and Paige to go grab me some cream cheese from the breakfast bar and this is what they came back with! ha! Too funny!

Our crazy bath tub in the hotel room. I told Kimee she looks like a Poly Pocket! lol

 I was laying on the bed, minding my own business and the girls said 'we want to go swim, come with us'...I jokingly said "Ok, if you can carry me, I will go". Dang it! They did...LOL

 Of course, we had to shop at JUSTICE!
They found some fun Soccer shirts...
The back says: "Look MOM No Hands"

 The front of the shirts....and yes, they have matching shorts and necklaces that say 'Goal'.
These girls are soccer to the core!

 Ahhh.....they are starting to unwind....time for bed!! Yea!