Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Results are IN! - Tilt Table Test

For the past few months I have been experiencing dizzy spells and passing out with no warning.
I have undergone an ER visit, hooked up to a holter monitor for 24 hours, EKGs..you name it....
So, I went and saw another cardiologist who specializes in Neurophysiology and he ordered me a Tilt Table Test...
It looks something like this....

looking at this scared the crap out of me. It looks like an execution table! AHHH!
They were going to strap me down...
They explained that they WANT me to pass out and the straps will prevent me from face planting on the floor.
Oh joy, this ought to be interesting

They hooked me up to all sorts of things. Heart monitor, oxygen, blood pressure cuff...etc.
You can even see my RESTING heart rate is at 100....not so great..its too high. 
No wonder I am so tired all the time!
The nurse gave me an IV line and completely missed, she said its not her and that I have great veins,
she is blaming it on the scar tissue in my veins...probably from all the testing I have had to endure for the past few months.

Show time!
They tilt this table up and down hoping to induce an episode of me passing out.
After about 20 minutes, they gave me some medication to make my heart beat fast.
I was almost in a standing position and I felt my heart rate increase big time. My back started hurting,
I was sweating, I had a headache, got very dizzy. I told the technician I felt like I had to
throw up, she said it was all part of the medication and it was normal. I asked her how fast
my heart was going and she says 'oh, its only at 200 right now'. WHAT!!??
200!!!! I was really feeling it and wanted so badly for her to lay me back down, and out of
total reaction, I tried to unstrap one of the velcro straps and don't remember anything after that.
I guess it worked. I passed out..no fun at all!

I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope.
No surgery needed!!! (as of right now anyway)
I get to keep my water intake at 90 oz a day, I need to increase my sea salt intake to 2 grams a day.
and I get to start wearing compression socks...oh joy!

But hey, if these things don't work, they will try medication..
I am on top of the world knowing I don't need surgery after all!! It's a good day!
I hope I NEVER have to do that test again...it was horrible!

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