Sunday, February 9, 2014

Girls Night out with my daughters and their friends...Good time!

So, Kaylee and a few of her friends were not invited to a fellow classmates birthday party
Once they told me about it, I laughed and said about WE throw an '"UN-invited"
We had so much fun it was ridiculous!

Laura, Kourtney, Makiah, Jaisha, Kaylee and Katelyn

Show Swag

Kimee, Ellie and Brooke

Mr. Chaperone...or at least he thinks he is :)

I love all my 'Daughters'.
These cute girls always come into the office asking if we need any help with anything.
Sometimes we do, and sometimes we don't.
I wonder how much longer Kaylee will think its 'Cool' to take a pic with mom :)

Girls gotta eat. We LOVE Costa Vida! Not too mention their awesome Gluten free food!

 Late Night Dodgeball!! Jason was told to only use his left hand :)

Such a fun day with these cute girls. I took this pic then they all threw the balls at Jason siting on the stage with

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