Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Game 3 - Tied 0-0

These girls tied all 3 games 0-0 !!
Kaylee had a PERFECT tournament not being scored on!!
WAY TO GO KAYLEE!! We are so proud of you!

Such a special group of girls on and off the field. Good Job to HC Storm U13 girls!!

Nice drop kick passed the mid field mark! Maybe when it gets warmer, 
we'll practice these and you can just score a goal from a drop kick!

AMBER!!!! Thanks for watching Kaylee today!!
Amber plays on the U14 team with HC Storm

 I love my HC Storm daughters!! ;) 
Can you believe these girls are 2 years older than Kaylee! 
She would LOVE to play with them, but you can only play up 1 year not 2 :(
But hey, these are great girls and they will be in 9th grade next year when Kaylee goes into 7th :)

Kaylee and two crack me up!

What a fun tournament!

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