Thursday, April 4, 2013

Planted the garden...Yea for Spring Break!

I was SO looking forward to Spring Break!
I knew this was when I would have a little bit of time to plant my long awaited garden.
Once it was done, of course I had to finish the rest of the yard work...we are going to get some awesome rain this weekend, so I got it all done! Wow...all that I have to do is maintain...what a great feeling....not too mention the awesome sunshine that I got to enjoy to get my tan on :) Can't wait for Summer!

I was so excited to see all the nurseries around town fill up with all this awesome stuff.
I got all Organic foods to plant this year. I had a few last year, and they did taste better and lasted longer.

...the BEFORE pic...just added in fresh compost....yeah, it stunk for a while...sorry neighbors :( BEFORE plantar boxes next project will be to paint these pots BLACK...the sun has done a number on them...oh will give me a summer project...

I planted tomatoes, cucumber, red/green bell peppers, squash and onions
I already had raspberries, strawberries and a peach tree :) Can't wait!

So, my strawberries are on
I had to majorly thin them out this year, and I have a feeling this won't be the only time, 
these suckers are rooted pretty darn good. 
But we always look forward to the countless fresh smoothies this allows us to make :)

 I usually do a color theme each year with flowers, so this year I decided to let a little old lady decide for me. I was standing at the nursery looking at all the flowers and she asked what I was doing. I told her my plan and said I was not sure what to do. She then smiled and said these three colors would look great. So, here goes nothing. Gotta love elderly people...they know a thing or two you know ;)

Kaylee snapped this photo of me watering.
Spanish Fork uses secondary water, and it won't be turned on until April 15th...
I am really looking forward to the rain this weekend...I won't have to drag my hose around the house!

The trampoline also got set up. This is always THE kid magnet for the neighbors..gotta love no fences between us. I always wanted to be 'the gathering house'...but trust me, I think its more than just the gathering house. It's more like the snack house, popsicle house, toy house, breakfast/lunch/dinner Hey, at least I know where my kids are! Do you know where yours are? probably at mine! lol
(but I love it!...shhhh...we don't want anyone to know that!)

Kimee, Kaitlyn, and Kasen...some of the neighbor kids...

Once the garden was done, 
I started with all the Spring pruning, weeding and fluffing up of the perimeter of the yard.
 ...and it's ALL DONE!!
Hey, at least I got an awesome tan to go along with it...all that hard work paid off!
If you know me, you know I LOVE yard work. Just give me my headphones, some flip flops and tanning lotion and I am good to go!

 Kaylee took the camera and had a photo fest. So, watch out...
..I have me some pruning scissors and a rake yo!
ha! Maybe I had too much sun got a little weird. lol

Bring on the rain! Can't wait!

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