Sunday, April 14, 2013

Phew! What a CrAzY Saturday!

I am a busy person, but Saturday was SUPER CrAzY!
Here is a summary of my day:
8:30am - Wake up and get Kimee ready for her dance competition
10:15a.m. - Go to MMHS for Kimee's dance Competition
11:45a.m. - Leave MMHS, get Kimee lunch, have her change costumes for her next dance routine
12:10a.m. - Go back to MMHS for Kimee's other dance routine
2:15 p.m. - Kaylee's soccer game (which I missed most of ).
2:40p.m. - Kimee finished her dance, then we left to catch the rest of Kaylee's soccer game
3:15 p.m.- Kaylee's game ended and took a few girls to watch the Women's BYU Soccer team play..and yes, it was cold and rainy!
5:45p.m. - Ordered pizza after the soccer game and brought the crazy girls back to the house to hang out
6:45p.m. - Go back to MMHS to find out where Kimee placed (1st place for BOTH routines! Woot!)
11:00 p.m. - Took all the soccer girls home and went to bed.
Phew! This momma is TIRED! But loved every second with my kiddos :)

1st Place - "Dance w/My Father"
It also received the 'Overall High Point Award!"
1st Place - "Pirates"
It also received the 'Best Choreography" award!
It doesn't get better than that!
Congratulations Kimee! You did Awesome!

Pirates received 'Best Choreography' :)

Kimee and Mom

Kimee and her Dad
He had to take Kaylee to her soccer game, so was only able to make it to one routine.

 I was able to catch the last 15 minutes of her game and got a couple pics..

Then, off we went to the BYU Women's Soccer game vs. Utah
Photo left to right: Gracie, Bre, Paige and Kaylee

We loved this photo...Erica Owens (Goalkeeper) and Kyleigh Royall (Midfielder)
Gotta love these girls. They have done a great job training Kaylee and Gracie :)

Yup, it was CoLd and RaInY.....oh well.

Yup, Codi and I are the BEST Mom's EVER! ;)

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