Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bowling Beauties...

Last weekend Kaylee had a few friends over.
They were hanging out at our house and were on their 'electronic devices' quite a bit...
so what does a good mom do to entertain and get them off their phones and instagram??
We went bowling!!
They bowled two games and went to eat at Costa Vida (everything on their menu is Gluten Free!)

watch out boys! These girls are going to Jr.High next year!
(in other words in 4 months! ahhh!)

They wanted me to take this pic...I'm still confused as to why..

Fat Cats bowling in Provo..good times.

STRIKE! For Katelyn..woot!

Jaisha being goofy

My cute Kaylee bugs

Cute shoes girls...they even glow in the dark!

 Jaisha, Makiah, Kaylee and Katelyn

These are some pretty amazing girls. I love that Kaylee is surrounded by good influences and can be herself

Kimee didn't bring a friend because she was at the dentist getting a tooth pulled.
She met us here with Jason for the second round of bowling.
She's all smiles even though she has a big hole in her mouth..

what a fun day with the 'girls'

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