Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy "15" Anniversary!!!

15 years ago today I was blessed with the greatest gift life has ever offered me. You have brought me Joy, Happiness and Love. You have always known when I needed a hug. I am wishing you a Happy “15” Year Anniversary! Thank you for being a great husband, father, friend and support. 
I love you babe!

Monday, January 27, 2014


What a weekend!
I had a couple pretty intense dizzy spells on Saturday and another one Sunday morning.
Jason insisted I go to the ER,, so we went.

Upon arriving at the ER, I was exhausted so I sat in the waiting room.
Jason checked me in and all he did was mention my heart..
I was immediately taken back and within seconds had all sorts of doctors and nurses 
hooking me up to what appeared to be every machine in the ER.
My EKG came back normal, they took a chest x-ray which was fine (not sure why they even did the x-ray)

The nurse then tried to take some blood and missed my vein all-together. All I can say is OUCH! He dug and dug and dug...then he tried to say how long he's been an EMT and firefighter yadda yadda yadda and that 'This has never happened to him before' he claims he never misses a vein, but kept trying anyway. I have to admit I felt the pain but didn't care. So much was happening to me all at once that I was numb to alot of it and felt so exhausted and didn't even care what they were doing. As the tears were going down my cheek, Jason grabbed my foot and started rubbing it, which was so comforting and helpful. Knowing he was there put me at ease. I tried to calm down and the ER nurse tried my other arm and got it the first time.
The ER nurse ended up apologizing over and over and over. I felt bad for him, but sheesh..stop digging after the 3rd try!

Here is the arm that he finally got a line in :)

This shows my heart rate back to normal..and I was starting to feel normal again..

They gave me a Holter Monitor to wear for 24 hours.
I've already had three episodes on this thing and I'm praying they can find some answers!
The heart is a scary thing..but super thankful for modern medicine and technology!

 It's pretty user friendly. If I have an episode, I just push "event' and it flags that specific time.

 Instead of laying in bed all day, I got up, got dressed and then sat on the couch and watched TV most of the day. I was instructed not to clean or do anything 'strenuous'. I wasn't allowed to drive or go to work. I was incredibly BORED!! I don't do well with idol time, I thought I would go outside and get some fresh air, but as you can see...I kinda can't hide this and I don't want the hundred questions from neighbors. I think I will just sit home and do nothing...(which is frustrating).

I go see a cardiologist on Friday...I guess we'll see what he has to say.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


I have often times thought to myself "why Me?"
Why have I had to endure so many health challenges throughout my life?
I won't ever know the reason, but I am trying to stay positive.
I haven't really had a moment where I wasn't struggling with chronic pain, surgery, recovery, etc.
My current battle is of many, Liver, Thyorid (Hashimotos) and now my heart.
I have to admit I am scared.
I keep having dizzy spells, heart palpations.
Today (Saturday) is no different. My heart is freaking out. It can't decide whether or not to beat fast, beat slow or beat hard. Either way, it's making me so exhausted and I haven't done anything! My cardiologist appointment is this coming Friday. I wished that today was a day that I had a heart monitor because they would see a party is going on with my heart. I am sure it's nothing major, but this time has me a bit scared. I haven't really been scared of any of my health situations, just frustration. I don't know why this is any different, but it has me on edge. I am trying to stay positive and pray its nothing that will warrant 'heart surgery' but its definitely in the back of my mind.

I have no idea what they will find out, but praying that its a simple fix.
But the truth is, I'm scared.
I'm trying to stay as positive as I can and making the time to take a deep breathe...because that is all I can do right now..

Quote of the day...

Moving forward never felt better!!

Bowling Beauties...

Last weekend Kaylee had a few friends over.
They were hanging out at our house and were on their 'electronic devices' quite a bit...
so what does a good mom do to entertain and get them off their phones and instagram??
We went bowling!!
They bowled two games and went to eat at Costa Vida (everything on their menu is Gluten Free!)

watch out boys! These girls are going to Jr.High next year!
(in other words in 4 months! ahhh!)

They wanted me to take this pic...I'm still confused as to why..

Fat Cats bowling in Provo..good times.

STRIKE! For Katelyn..woot!

Jaisha being goofy

My cute Kaylee bugs

Cute shoes girls...they even glow in the dark!

 Jaisha, Makiah, Kaylee and Katelyn

These are some pretty amazing girls. I love that Kaylee is surrounded by good influences and can be herself

Kimee didn't bring a friend because she was at the dentist getting a tooth pulled.
She met us here with Jason for the second round of bowling.
She's all smiles even though she has a big hole in her mouth..

what a fun day with the 'girls'

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Feeling Blessed...

Feeling blessed today.
I had one of those moments where I caught myself staring at my kids
and pondering the reality of them getting older.
They are growing up to be beautiful daughters of god.
I am so incredibly thankful for them and the sweet spirit they bring into our home.
 I love my daughters!

Sunday School - The Godhead Handout

For the month of January, I will be teaching the kiddos about the Godhead,
This was my handout..

I put three Almond Joys in the bag to represent the Godhead..
I'm a dork, I know..but this is so much fun!

 I also gave them the above handout and laminated it :) (Thanks to Pinterest!)

Sister Love...

Kaylee spend the entire day with her friends yesterday.
They went to the mall and then hung out at each others houses,
I went to pick up Kaylee and she had a surprise for her little sister...

Kaylee told Kimee to close her eyes

She was so excited!
Kaylee gave her a beenie baby and a thing to go over her eyes while she sleeps (can't think of what they are called)

Sister Love....I love it and feel so blessed!

Sunday School - Christlike Attributes

This week in Sunday School, we talked about Christlike Attributes..
This was my handout and treat for today...

I laminated these name tags and had them put their names on it..

This is what was on the back of the name tag.

I laminated this list of Christlike Attributes so they could put it in their scriptures.

Such a fun day...I have the best class ever!

High School Drill Night Fun...

Kimee had fun with her friends after they performed at the high schools...

Such a fun group of girls!

See you girls next week at Timpview High School!

Maple Mountain High School Drill Night

This was the last High School Drill Night...
Maple Mountain High School will be the high school my kids attend...
They put on a great show!

Maple Mountain High School put on THE BEST show...they were so fun to watch...
We have a cute neighbor Laney who dances for MMHS on the drill team...

Our cute neighbor Laney is front row, right.

Maple Mountain High School was hands down the best drill night...
Thanks ladies!!