Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kaylee's 12 Birthday Party!

Ok. I know I am a little late posting this. Kaylee wanted her entire soccer team to sleepover, so I told her she needed to have the girls over when their wasn't a game the next day. This made it so the girls slept over during Fall Break. There were a few that were not allowed to sleepover, but we still had them over for a late was so much fun!

I can't believe Kaylee is 12!!

We are ready for the party!

Kaylee's awesome birthday cake!

The center piece...of course I had to get all the girls hackie sacks! lol

Kaylee's soccer team! Happy Birthday kiddo!

 Kim and Kelsey playing Minute to Win It

Brinley and Taylor

Almost Taylor!

There were many 'Selfies' taken that

Binkie These were the soccer rings from the birthday

Starting to wind getting braided, talking about boys..

"Blind Makeovers"

The girls insisted that I get a turn on Blind  The things I do for my kids! lol

Kaylee, Phillis and Kelsey

They are getting settled in. Good Night girls!!

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