Friday, November 8, 2013

Birthday dinner with aunt Margie!

I had a great dinner with Aunt Margie, Uncle Dell and cousin Rob...

Seriously, this man is so kind!
Plus he bought the most awesome gift!!! A Steelers steering wheel cover...sweet!! It's already installed too! Yippee!!
Thanks Dell!!!! You nailed it :)

Oh my heck, we laughed SO HARD. We bought each other the exact same birthday card!!!!
Great minds think alike! hahahaha

Margie was supposed to make a goofy
Thanks for taking the pic Kimee!

I just love my Aunt Margie. I have no idea how I could have gotten through the past 6 months without her love, compassion, listening ear and advice. 
I love you to pieces Margie and am so thankful you are back in my life :)
Thanks for a great birthday dinner. I absolutely loved the time we spent together tonight.

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