Monday, September 9, 2013

Hashimotos - Phase 2 - Adrenal system

Can I just say I feel FANTASTIC!
I haven't felt this great in a long, long time. I started phase 2 of my detox on far so good!
My Adrenal system is all out of this is what I have to take...

The large bottle on the left needs to stay refrigerated. I have to take 1 Tablespoon twice a day.
The cream is 3 times a day
The two herbal supplements are 3 times a day before I eat..

I was a bit nervous for this stuff. However, it tastes like orange yea!
Plus, I only have to take 1 Tablespoon twice a day :))

This cream is supposed to keep my adrenals at a consistent level. They are finding I bottom out during the day.
This cream is applied in the 3 key areas as the previous stuff (thyroid gland, back of knee, wrist and/or inner elbows.

This is all pretty cool stuff.  I love that it's all natural.

Dr.Stadler is giving me the green light to exercise lightly on Friday..YIPPPEEEE!!!
I have been craving a workout for sometime now, I have been begging him non stop to allow me to start.
I get to moderately exercise every other day starting this Friday. Which means only a 20 minute treadmill workout on a low speed.
I'm ok with that! Can't wait!

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