Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday Kaylee bug!

Happy 12th Birthday to my Kaylee bugs!

Happy Birthday to my soccer loving, keeper playing, all star Kaylee!
I am so proud of the person you have become so far...
I love so many things about you...
*I love that I became a mom because of you
* I love that you are compassionate towards others
*I love that you are a team player and a team leader
* I love that you love your sister to the moon and back
* I love that you are a SHNDN - (Inside joke)
* I love your beautiful smile and confidence that shines through it
* I love that you have many friends from all walks of life. YOU are the best kind of friend to have.
* I love you for being you! 
I love you! Love, MOM

Her awesome Soccer Cupcakes that she is taking to her school class :))

Happy Birthday, Kaylee!

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