Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Utah Invitational Soccer Tournament - July 2013

Kaylee's NEW U13 Soccer Team!!
Her new coach is Sharon Duncan....I am lovin' it already!

These new girls like to be goofy too...Kaylee feels right at home..lol

The girls are warming up for semi-finals...woot!

Kaylee had a ton of really good stops!...including this one.

Kaylee can now throw the ball to mid-field....awesomeness...!!

She's ready!....and she stopped it :) That's my girl!

Her new coach wants Kaylee to take all the goal kicks, which is a new thing for Kaylee...
She's nailed  it!..and she looks pretty good doing it too!

Kaylee and I made a Candy Lei for each of the girls on her team :) It only took 2 hours! lol

Some of our old teammates moved on to Celtic Storm (green). I decided we needed to take a "Reunion Photo"
Gracie, Bre, Kaylee, Maddi, Bre, Paige and Katie

These girls crack me up!
They decided to make a HC Storm / Celtic Storm Christmas Tree
Kaylee was the star and Gracie was the tree skirt!! Oh how I miss all these girls together :(

Kaylee had a fun cheering section at today's game. My Aunt Margie and her husband Dell came to support Kaylee.
Thank You!

These are my 3 bonus daughters :) They are on the HC Storm U14 team, but attended the school I work at. They are now going into 8th grade!!
Everytime I see them, they run up and give me a hug ((love))...
They wanted to watch Kaylee's game...it was fun to have them there! I love em' like my own.

My Soccer daughters!!
Hannah, Maddison, Kaylee and Amber.
It's crazy to think these girls are 14 and Kaylee is only 11....

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